Archive for June, 2007|Monthly archive page

Globe prevails! ang lakas mo talaga sa Globe

i’ve read in the papers that TxtPower’s complaint against Globe’s “rate hike” last February.

see the details on Migs’ blog.

Eiga Sai 2007

i’ve always been a fan of film festivals. back in college, i’d skip classes just to see subtitled films from different countries. until today, my friends and i have made it a tradition to see these films.

but, fuck, the French Film Festival is almost over and i haven’t seen anything. before the week ends, i’ll see one or conrhole me.

by the last week of June, there’s another film fest coming up and it’s the Eiga Sai. i’ve been a big fan of this Japanese film festival. it is at these screenings that i’ve met the creator of MXC or here in the Philippines, it more popularly known as Takeshi’s Castle. it is also at the Eiga Sai that i’ve met the Seven Samurai and all those who follow the way of bushido, as seen through the eyes of acclaimed film auteur Akira Kurosawa.

here’s the screening schedules and the film synopses at Eiga Sai 2007.

and at this Eiga Sai, i’ll definitely see every one of those films.

Another Beck:MCS post

oh, man. i got Taira.

Which Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad band member are you?

Yoshiyuki Taira holds down the low end of Beck with the bass. Taira is the most technically talented of the group, and sometimes puts too much emphasis on it. But he’s a phenomenal musician because of it. He keeps a cool head, maintains a cool image, and generally just has a damn good time with playing.
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the king earns his crown

Lebron James is a real king.

he has lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to the franchise’s first NBA Finals after humbling the Detroit Pistons for games 5 and 6 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals.

King James was a messiah in game 5. read this for details. and for game 6, Daniel “Boobie” Gibson had the sweetest touch of all. he shot 5-out-of-5 treys and had 31 points. it was real sweet. see here for the details of game 6.